Holy crap, BoingBoing is giving away 5 years of Adobe Creative Cloud for free! You get access to every Adobe app currently available and any new apps that might be released in the next 5 years. This prize is valued at $3000 bucks and it’s free to enter so what are you waiting for? Hit the jump for all the details!
Win 5 Years Of Adobe Creative Cloud From BoingBoing.net

Like it or not, Adobe apps are an integral part of just about every digital artist’s workflow. In the old days people used to pirate the expensive software and use it for free but Adobe Creative Cloud uses a subscription model that lest you access every app for 50 bucks a month. Still not cheap but it takes the sting out of paying over 1000 bucks for a single app.
Add it up and 5 years of Adobe Creative Cloud is worth $3000 bucks so this giveaway is insane!
The winner will get 5 years of the full Adobe Creative Cloud license that includes pretty much every single Adobe app including Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat Pro, Experence Design, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Animate, Dreamweaver, Audition, InCopy, Slate and a bunch of other stuff. The winner of BoingBoing’s contest will also get a portfolio website with license to premium webkit fonts plus 20 GB of cloud storage.
To enter visit:
Adobe Creative Cloud Giveaway On BoingBoing
Contest closes on June 3, 2016. Must be 21 years of age or older to enter.
StreetShootr’s Take
Nothing’s free but this one’s pretty damn close. You need to provide a valid email address to enter so you can expect to get added to a few mailing lists as a result. Of course you could always set up a gmail account that is only used for this contest then kill the account when the contest ends. It’s up to you!
BoingBoing offers extra entries for sharing the contest on Facebook and Twitter but that’s entirely optional.