Cats. They’re everywhere. Watching us. Biding their time. Waiting patiently for the next opportunity to photo-bomb unsuspecting street photographers. Here’s 40 fierce street photos featuring felines that prove cats will always land on their feet – just in time to steal the shot. Hit the jump for our cat street photography gallery!
Cat Street Photography – 40 Fierce Photos Featuring Felines
StreetShootr’s Take
Street photography can happen anywhere and it doesn’t have to be limited to pictures of people walking. It’s a vibe, a way seeing the world that sees between the lines and transforms the everyday into the supernatural. And these 40 street photos featuring cats felines proves that people don’t necessarily have anything to do with it!
Animals are one of the hardest things to photograph on the street but these street photographers have captured the aloof charm and independance of cats and created some damn fine street photography as a result. Excellent images that serve as a reminder that good street photography can happy anywhere and with any subject. Even the feline kind!
Well done, kitties!
What’s your take on StreetShootr’s curated gallery of street photos featuring felines? Do street photographs have to be about humans? Or are you allergic to cats even in photos? Post your ideas in the comments below and keep the conversation going!