Kai from DigitalRev is back with a hands-on Fuji X100T review shot on the streets of Hong Kong during the umbrella revolution protests. He covers what’s new and what’s the same with typical DigitalRev humor and style and he likes the camera enough to consider buying one himself! Hit the jump for the video.
Fuji X100T Review
Kai finds a lot to like about the latest incarnation of Fuji’s classic styled shooter but he’s quick to note the similarity to its predecessor. Essentially the same body style, same lens, same sensor. So what has Fuji done to warrant the release of a new camera?
Updated Controls

The button Layout on the back has been updated and now matches the rest of the X Series of cameras from Fuji. The fussy little dial/button have been replaced by a solid feeling 4 way selector. And the tiny selector switch (often called a nipple) has been replaced by a proper dial for moving through options quickly. These changes improve the usability of the Fuji X100T and make it feel more like a complete camera than previous versions.
The focus ring feels better in the hand and the aperture ring now allows you to set exposure in 1/3 stop increments. Previous versions of the X100 series of cameras required you to drill down in a menu to set partial stops. This is much better.
But the real changes are on the inside.
That New Hybrid Viewfinder

Previous versions of the Fuji X100 featured a hybrid viewfinder that was switchable between optical and electronic when needed. But the optical viewfinder often failed to give accurate feedback for auto focus and users were required to switch to the EVF to focus manually. The Fuji X100T introduces and entirely new Electronic Rangefinder Mode that seems to get it right.
A small electronic viewfinder window appears in the lower right corner of the OVF and displays an enlarged view of the focus point in the center of the frame. This allows you to glance down and focus and use the optical viewfinder like a sort of modern day rangefinder. In fact, Fuji calls this feature the ERF or electronic rangefinder. And it works.
In addition to the new mode the EVF has been improved with a 54 fps refresh rate that makes framing in low light a bit easier on the eye. The new EVF also changes orientation depending on whether you’re shooting vertical or horizontal – Turn the camera vertical and all your information switches to vertical so you can read your settings clearly. This works just like the viewfinder in the XT-1.
Unfortunately this orientation trick doesn’t work in the OVF and the information must remain horizontal to account for the position of the new electonic rangefinder. Small price to pay for such an excellent feature!
Everything Else Is Bunk

Kai breezes over some other features like super-high ISO modes and crazy fast electronic shutters but sees these as mostly bunk. The real star of the show is the new EVF and revised controls that make the camera perform… like a camera.
Overall he likes what he sees and thinks it’s enough for him to actually consider purchasing a Fuji X100T for himself. High praise from someone who reviews cameras for a living!
What are your thoughts on Kai’s Fuji X100T review? Has he swayed you to the dark side? Post your comments below and keep the conversation going!