After a long battle with cancer, Magnum photographer René Burri passed away at the age of 81. Burri began working with Magnum as an associate in 1955 and became a full member in 1959, and was well known for his iconic portraits of Che Guevara. Hit the jump for more info on René’s life and work.
René Burri: 1933-2014

In addition to his work in Latin America, Burri travelled throughout Europe and the Middle East during a career that spanned many decades. He photographed artists such as Picasso, Giacometti and Le Corbusier and contributed to a wide varitey of publications including Life and The New York Times.
Magnum's René Burri will be missed for so much, incl his mastery of the Magnum group portrait:
— Magnum Photos (@MagnumPhotos) October 21, 2014
A statement released by Burri’s family paid tribute to the photographer’s work:
The famous Swiss photographer René Burri left us today at the age of 81 after a long illness. He leaves behind an important body of work on recent history, which has been published in countless newspapers, journals, magazines, exhibitions and books all over the world… With René Burri the world of photography loses one of its most powerful artists, a true humanist, who skillfully documented from behind the scenes the suffering and joy of human kind.
Six Photographs By René Burri
Port Magazine produced the short film “Six Photographs By René Burri” that tells the story of René and his work. It’s an intimate and vibrant tribute to this wonderful man and a great way to spend the next 11 minutes.
Our condolences go out to René’s family and friends. The photography world has lost one of its greatest and he will be missed…